Entries by southside suppo

Talk by Paramahamsa Prajnanananda on 2 December 2022

Photo: Swami Shuddhanandaji, Paramahamsa Prajnananandaji (Guruji), Swami Samarpananandaji during the programme. Transcript of Talk by Shri Guruji on 2 December 2022 on the occasion of 20th Mahasamadhi Divas of Shri Gurudev Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji. There is a mantra in Taittiriya Upanishad, नमो ब्रह्मणे । नमस्ते वायो । त्वमेव प्रत्यक्षं ब्रह्मासि । त्वमेव प्रत्यक्षं ब्रह्म वदिष्यामि । […]

Interview with Johnny, a Kriyavan

Tell us a bit about yourself. I enjoyed writing poetry from an early age. Then I went on to become a songwriter and initially I tried to write songs for a group called The Pink Fairies, whose lead singer was “Twink”; then later for Pete Banks, who used to be the lead guitarist of the […]

Interview with Leonie Harrod

N – Thank you so much for agreeing to talk with us today. Hagen tells me that you’re quite new to Kriya, is that right? Queensland, New Zealand, 2017 L – Yes, did my initiation last August 2021 with Baba Peter from Netherlands. Until towards the end of last year, I was living in Dubai, […]

Interview with Doug Johns

Departing from Balighai Ashram at 5:30 am for Bangalore, Guruji departing for Australia. Could you tell me about yourself? I was born in 1932, and lived in South London; the area of Blackheath which was largely countryside in those days. There until aged 4 when, for family reasons, my mother and I moved to Headley […]

Interview with Richard Harrison

Q: Could you tell us about yourself? A: I was born on 2 October 1954 (the day devoted to Guardian Angels by the Catholic church) in Mill Road Hospital, Liverpool to an unmarried mother and then adopted at twenty days old by a comfortable upper-middle class mercantile family in Liverpool. Both of my adoptive parents […]

Interview with Varun Goyal

Welcome Varun, it is good to have this opportunity to speak with you and it’s great that you agreed to share some stories with us. 1. Could you tell us about yourself? Namaste! My name is Varun Goyal and I was born in September 1990 in Sohna (Haryana), India. My father is Din Dayal Goyal, a retired businessman. He is a religious […]

Interview with Dominik Gackstatter

Welcome, Dominik. Good to have this opportunity to speak with you and it’s great that you agreed to share some stories with us. Could you tell us about yourself? I was born 1967 in Southern Germany and spent a carefree childhood with my brother in a large house with four generations. Nearly carefree, as my […]

Interview with David Green

Aron O’Dowd talks Kriya Yoga with David Green, December 2020 ARON: Hello and welcome everyone! Today I am interviewing David Green, a devoted Kriyavan and author of “The Invisible Hand”. David was instrumental in setting up Kriya Yoga UK in 1999. Hello and welcome David, how are you doing today? DAVID: Hi Aron, good to […]

Interview with Dr Callum Livingstone

Welcome Callum. Good to have this opportunity to speak with you and it’s great that you agreed to share some stories with us. Could you tell us about yourself? I have spent most of my working life in the south east of England but am originally from Scotland, having been brought up on the south […]

Interview with Eve Pereira

Welcome Eve, good to have this opportunity to speak with you and it’s great that you agreed to share some stories with us. Please can you give us a brief introduction. Born in Kenya of Goan heritage, left at 17 to come to a convent boarding school in the UK to finish my education and […]